john muir trail

Get the free JMT Permit Guide Now!

Your first step on the JMT starts with snagging a permit.

Grab my guide so you know every option and don't miss any opportunity!

I'm sharing every detail you need to know to make sure you get a permit this year.

become part of the #JMTClassOf2023

This free download will help make your JMT trip a reality by...

  • Remove the confusion with up-to-date, clear directions for every agency that awards permits
  • Increase your chances by exploring every option: Northbound, Southbound, and alternate itineraries
  • Keep it simple with direct links to reservation pages, official websites, tutorial videos, and more!
  • Make it happen by creaing your plan with the Printable Permit Plan Worksheet

Let's turn that dream trip into a reality


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